注:* 通讯作者 (corresponding author)
1. 张洁敏, 朱翊敏, 梁馨月, 马泽悠. (2024网络首发). 机器还是人工?小额捐赠者对不同募捐方式的偏好研究. 南开管理评论.
2. Zhang, J., Zhu, Y., Wu, J., and Yu-Buck, G.F. (2023). A natural apology is sincere: Understanding chatbots' performance in symbolic recovery. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 108. (ABS 3)
3. Zhu, Y., Zhang, J.*, and Liang, J. (2023). Concrete or abstract: The effect of chatbots' response styles on customer satisfaction. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 62.
4. Zhu, Y., Zhang, J., and Wu, J. (2023). Who did what and when? The effect of chatbots' service recovery on customer satisfaction and revisit intention. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, 14(3): 416-429.
5. Zhu, Y., Zhang, J., Wu, J., and Liu, Y. (2022). AI is better when I'm sure: The influence of certainty of needs on consumers' acceptance of AI chatbots. Journal of Business Research, 150: 642-652. (ABS 3)
6. 朱翊敏, 张洁敏*. (2021). 时间压力对网络冲动性购买的影响研究:交易效用和感知风险的调节. 商业经济与管理, 41(7): 55-66. (人大复印报刊资料全文转载)
1. 朱翊敏,宋昊彦,张洁敏,1+1?人机协作的补救效果研究. 第十八届(2023)中国管理学年会,2023.7.28-30,新疆乌鲁木齐。会议优秀论文
2. 朱翊敏,张洁敏,吴继飞,数量标签对消费者购买意愿的干扰效应研究:包装形式的调节. 第十七届(2022)中国管理学年会,2022.8.19-21,江苏南京。会议优秀论文
3. 朱翊敏,张洁敏,人工客服还是智能客服:服务补救提供者对补救效果的影响. 第十五届(2020)中国管理学年会,2020.12.11-13,四川成都。会议优秀论文