Zhu Hongbing, Yang Lihua, Zhang Bing. Asymmetric trading restriction and return comovement. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 2024, 94: 102023. (SSCI,JCR一区,中科院二区,ABS 3)
Zhang Bing, Zhu Hongbing. Only Strong Short-Term Contrarian Effect Exists in Chinese Stock Market: the role of the T+ 1 trading mechanism. International Review of Economics & Finance, 2024: 103653.(SSCI,JCR一区,中科院二区,ABS 2)
Geng Huixia, Zhu Hongbing, Wei Theng Lau, Nazrul Hisyam Ab Razak, and Normaziah Mohd Nor. Exacerbate or alleviate? Impact of controlling shareholders' share pledging on over-investment. Pacific-Basin Finance Journal. 2024,85: 102341.(SSCI,JCR一区,中科院二区,ABS 2)
Zhu Hongbing, Yang Lihua, Xu Changxin,Fu Tianbo,and Lin Jianting.Exploring the nonlinear association betweenagri-environmentalregulation and green growth: The mediating effect ofagriculturalproduction methods. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2024: 141138. (SCI,JCR一区,中科院一区,ABS 2)
朱红兵, 蒋彧,杨李华.互动式交流质量与股价特质信息含量——来自交易所线上互动平台的证据, 会计研究, 2023,(02):27-41.
Zhu Hongbing, Yang Lihua, Xu Changxin. Tracking Investor Gambling intensity , International Review of Financial Analysis, 2023, 86: 102468. (SSCI,JCR一区,中科院一区,ABS 3)
朱红兵, 王婉菁, 张兵. 投资者关注、信息不对称与名人持股效应, 管理科学, 2022, 35(01):152-164.
Zhu Hongbing, Yang Lihua. Portfolio: A Command for Conducting Portfolio Analysis in Stata, The Stata Journal, 2022,22(4):941-957.(SCI&SSCI,JCR一区,中科院二区,ABS 2)
朱红兵, 张兵. T+1交易制度如何影响股市投资者利益——基于高频逐笔交易收益分解的研究, 经济学报, 2022, 9(2):166-200.
杨李华, 朱红兵(通讯), 许长新.债券隐含违约率与股价下行风险——来自中国资本市场的证据, 管理评论, 2022,34(10):52-66.
张兵, 朱红兵(通讯).T+1交易机制对AH股交叉上市公司隔夜收益的影响——基于期权视角, 金融论坛, 2022, 27(07):61-70.
王婉菁, 朱红兵(通讯), 张兵. 资本市场开放与环境信息披露质量, 管理科学, 2021, 34(06):29-42.
Zhu Hongbing, Zhang Bing, Yang Lihua. The Gambling Preference and Stock Price: Evidence from China’s Stock Market, Emerging Markets Review, 2021, 49:100803. (SSCI,JCR一区,中科院二区,ABS 2)
朱红兵, 张兵. 价值性投资还是博彩性投机——中国A股市场的MAX异象研究, 金融研究, 2020, (02):167-187.(人大复印报刊资料全文转载)
朱红兵, 张兵. T+1交易制度对中国股票市场的影响——来自长期折价率的证据, 证券市场导报, 2020, (08):22-30 68.(人大复印报刊资料全文转载)
朱红兵, 张兵, 陈慰. 投资者情绪、卖空限制与规模溢价效应研究, 证券市场导报, 2019, (12):60-70.
诸艳霞, 朱红兵. 延迟退休年龄下隔代抚育与劳动参与的抉择——基于工资收入随机性假定的研究, 经济理论与经济管理, 2018,(06):15-27.(人大复印报刊资料全文转载)