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商学院 副教授
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更新时间: 2024-04-09

徐鑫,毕业于美国普渡大学(Purdue University),获得土木工程(建设管理方向)博士学位, 东南大学硕士,重庆大学学士。2021年10月加入河海大学商学院,从事工程管理相关教学与研究工作。研究方向主要包括土木工程基础设施集成管理、智能建造与运维,工程项目知识挖掘、语义建模与推理等。





工程项目管理,智能建造导论,数据库,BIM, Computer Application in Construction Management



[16]. Guo, Z., Xu, X.*, Gao, X., Xu, Y., Liu, J., Zhang, M. and Li, F. (2024). Enhanced Risk-Based Quality Control for Hydraulic Engineering Construction Projects Considering the Risk Influencing Mechanism. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, SCI(JCR Q1) (Accepted on 2024/08/28, 通讯作者,第一作者为指导研究生)

[15]. 郭政宇, 徐鑫*, 金辰昊, 刘俊, 高小慧, 张茅, 李芳欣. (2024) 基于知识图谱的中国生态环境治理薄弱环节识别及对策研究[J]. 环境科学研究. (CSCD,通讯作者,第一作者为指导研究生)

[14]. Chen, K.*, Reichard, G., Xu, X., and Akanmu, A. (2023).GIS-based Information System for Automated Building Façade Assessment based on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and Artificial Intelligence. Journal of Architectural Engineering 

[13]. Yang, Y., Ng, S.T.*, Li, N.*, Xu, X., Xu, P., and Xu, F.J. (2023). Adapting HLA-based co-simulation for interdependent infrastructure resilience management. Automation in Construction, SCI(JCR Q1) DOI: 10.1016/j.autcon.2023.104860

[12]. Jeon, J., Zhang, Y., Yang, L., Xu, X., Cai, H.*, and Tran, D. (2023). Risk Breakdown Matrix for Risk-Based Inspection of Transportation Infrastructure Projects. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, SCI(JCR Q1) DOI: 0.1061/JCEMD4.COENG-12783

[11]. Xu, X. and Cai, H.* (2021). “Ontology and Rule-Based Natural Language Processing Approach for Interpreting Textual Regulations on Underground Utility Infrastructure.” Advanced Engineering Informatics, SCI(JCR

[10]. Xu, X. and Cai, H.* (2021). “Towards an Ontology for Utility Infrastructure: Coupling the Semantics of CityGML Utility Network ADE and Domain Glossaries.” Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, SCI(JCR Q1)

[9]. Xu, X., Jeon, J., Zhang, Y., Yang, L., and Cai, H.* (2021). Automatic Generation of Customized Checklists for Digital Construction Inspection. Transportation Research Record, SCI(JCR

[8]. Xu, X., Chen, K., and Cai, H.* (2020). “Automating Utility Permitting within Highway Right-of-way via a Generic UML/OCL Model and Natural Language Processing.” Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, SCI(JCR

[7]. Xu, X. and Cai, H.* (2020). “Semantic Approach to Compliance Checking of Underground Utilities.” Automation in Construction, SCI(JCR Q1)

[6]. Xu, X., Yuan, C., Zhang, Y., Cai, H.*, Abraham, D. M., and Bowman, M. D. (2019). Ontology-Based Knowledge Management System for Digital Highway Construction Inspection. Transportation Research Record, SCI(JCR Q4) [美国交通研究大会杰出论文奖] – 新闻报道:

[5]. Jeon, J., Xu, X., Zhang, Y., Yang, L., and Cai, H.* (2021). Extraction of Construction Quality Requirements from Textual Specifications via Natural Language Processing. Transportation Research Record, SCI(JCR Q4)

[4]. Chen, K.*, Reichard, G., Xu, X., and Akanmu, A. (2021). Automated Crack Segmentation in Close-Range Building Façade Inspection Images Using Deep Learning Techniques,Journal of Building Engineering, SCI(JCR

[3]. Yang, Y., Dao, J., Zhou, S., Xu, J.F., Xu, X., Zhou, Z., and Ng, S.T.* (2021). “BIM-GIS-DCEs Enabled Vulnerability Assessment of Interdependent Infrastructures – A Case of Stormwater Drainage-Building-Road Transport Nexus in  Urban Flooding.” Automation in Construction, SCI(JCR Q1)

[2]. Chen, K.*, Reichard, G., Akanmu, A., and Xu, X. (2021). “Geo-registering UAV-Captured Close-range Images to GIS-based Spatial Model for Building Façade Inspections.” Automation in Construction, SCI(JCR Q1)

[1]. Yuan, C., Park, J., Xu, X., Cai, H.*, Abraham, D. M., and Bowman, M. D. (2018). Risk-Based Prioritization of Construction Inspection. Transportation Research Record, SCI(JCR Q4)


[7]. Xu, X. and Cai, H. (2020). Classifying semantic relationships between utility-specific terminologies via LSTM networks along shortest dependency paths. ASCE Construction Research Congress, March 2020, Tempe, Arizona, USA

[6]. Xu, X., Chen, K., and Cai, H. (2019). Modeling 3D spatial constraints to support utility compliance checking. ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering 2019, June 2019, Atlanta, Georgia, USA [美国土木工程师国际计算大会最佳会议论文第三名] – 新闻报道: Construction_Features/hubo-cai-xin-xu-receive-3rd-place-for-paper-at-asce-conference-on-computing-in-civil-engineering

[5]. Xu, X. and Cai, H. (2018). Semantic frame-based information extraction from utility regulatory documents to support compliance checking. In Proceedings of the 35th CIB W78 2018 Conference: IT in Design, Construction, and Management, October 2018, Chicago, Illinois, USA

[4]. Xu, X., Cai, H., and Chen, K. (2018). An ontology approach to utility knowledge representation. Construction Research Congress, March 2018, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

[3]. Chen, K., Reichard, G., and Xu, X. (2020). GIS-based modeling of multi-sourced image data collected for building facade inspection. ASCE Construction Research Congress, March 2020, Tempe, Arizona, USA 10.1061/9780784482865.092

[2]. Jeon, J., Cai, H., Yu D., and Xu, X. (2020). Identification of safety hazards using wearable EEG. ASCE Construction Research Congress, March 2020, Tempe, Arizona, USA

[1]. Chen, K., Reichard, G., and Xu, X. (2019). Opportunities for Applying Camera-Equipped Drones towards Performance Inspections of Building Facades. ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering 2019, June 2019, Atlanta, Georgia, USA






5、美国南卡罗莱州交通部项目:2020/01~2021/08,Risk-based Construction Inspection Program for Highway Infrastructure Projects (SCDOT-4400022446), 参与,技术负责人

6、美国印第安纳州交通部项目:2019/07~2020/07, Automating the Generation of Construction Inspection Checklists (SPR-4422), 参与,技术负责人

7、美国国家自然科学基金项目:2016/08~2019/08,Mapping the Underworld of Buried Utilities – A Hybrid Sensing Approach (CMMI-1462638), 参与

8、美国印第安纳州交通部项目:2016/08~2019/01,Risk-based Specification for Construction (SPR-4101), 参与,技术负责人


[1] 2023年“智水杯”水工程BIM应用大赛银奖,中国水利水电勘测设计协会,2023

[2] 第二十八届建设管理与房地产发展国际学术研讨会优秀会议论文奖, 中华建设管理研究会,2023

[3] 2023年江苏省工程管理类专业优秀毕业设计(论文)二等奖(指导教师),江苏省土木建筑学会,2023

[4] 江苏省大学生工程管理创新、创业与实践竞赛设计类一等奖(指导教师),江苏省土木建筑学会,2022

[5] 江苏省双创博士, 江苏省教育厅,2022

[6] 美国国家公路与运输协会2020年度全美16个高价值研究项目奖, 美国国家公路与运输协会, 2020

[7] 美国交通研究大会年度杰出论文奖, 美国交通研究大会, 2020

[8] 美国土木工程师协会土木工程国际计算大会最佳会议论文奖, 美国土木工程师协会土木工程国际计算大会, 2019

[9] 美国交通研究大会最佳学术海报奖美国交通研究大会, 2018
