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商学院 副教授
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更新时间: 2024-05-17

2016年6月获中国科学技术大学管理科学与工程博士学位,现任河海大学商学院副教授、管理科学与信息管理系副主任、硕士研究生导师。美国华盛顿大学访问学者(2017),美国肯塔基大学访问学者(2018),曾任中国科学技术大学公共事务学院特任副研究员。担任Risk Analysis, Physica A, Safety Science等十余种国际权威期刊匿名审稿人。










Estimating the Influence of the Socio-economic Inequalities on Counties’ Occupational Injuries in Central China. Safety Science, 2016, 82, pp. 289–300. SCI/SSCI/EI, JCR一区安全科学高质量科技期刊T1级】

Estimating the Crisis Information Coverage Model in the Internet Communities. Kybernetes. 2018, 47(6), pp. 1202-1216. SCI/SSCI, JCR三区

Strategic Stakeholder Management, Environmental Corporate Social Responsibility Engagement, and Financial Performance of Stigmatized Firms Derived from Chinese Special Environmental Policy. Business Strategy and the Environment2019, 28(6), pp. 1027-1044.SSCI, JCR一区, ABS三星】

Air Pollution and Green Consumption of Consumers in China’s Urban Areas: A Norm Activation PerspectiveHuman and Ecological Risk Assessment2019, published online.DOI: 10.1080/10807039.2019.1646633. SCI, JCR一区

Managing Major Accident Risk from a Temporal and Spatial Perspective: A Historical Exploration of Workplace Accident Risk in China. Safety Science, 2020, 121, pp. 71-82. SCI/SSCI/EI, JCR一区安全科学高质量科技期刊T1级】

Safety Regulations and the Uncertainty of Work-related Road Accident Loss: The Triple Identity of Chinese Local Governments under Principal-Agent Framework. Risk Analysis2020,4 (6), pp. 1168-1182. SCI/SSCI, ABS四星, JCR一区国际风险分析协会会刊】

Understanding and Predicting the Adoption of Fitness Mobile Apps: An Extension of Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology. Health Communication2021,published online.DOI: 10.1080/10410236.2020.1724637 SSCI, JCR二区

Dynamical prediction model of consumers’ purchase intentions regarding anti-smog products during smog risk: Taking the information flow perspective. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 2021,published online.DOI: 10.1016/j.physa.2020.125427. SCI, JCR二区

Hierarchical difference in attention allocation of local Governments: Explaining change and stability in safety management. Safety Science. 2022,152, 105789.SCI/SSCI/EI, JCR一区安全科学高质量科技期刊T1级】

Understanding the effects of the textual complexity on government communication: Insights from China’s online public service platform. Telematics and Informatics, 2023, 83: 102028. 【SSCI, JCR一区中科院1

Quantifying the Psychological Resilience of Online Community in Light of the Relationship between COVID-19-related Threat, Information Uncertainty and Risk Perception. Natural Hazards Review, 2024, 在线出版. SSCI/SCI, IF=4.2

The role of emotion and social connection during the COVID-19 pandemic phase transitions: A cross-cultural comparison of China and the United States, Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 2024, 在线出版. SSCI, 中科院1, IF=3.5

跨区域突发事件应急合作与协调机制研究——以长三角区域为例中国社会公共安全研究报告, 2017 (01),59-72.

基于数字平台的社会风险协同治理模式研究, 广州大学学报(社会科学版), 2023, (6): 78-92. CSSCI, IF=1.7

纵向府际关系视角下的政府生态治理态度与注意力配置研究资源科学. 2023, 45(04): 706-720. 【CSSCI】

  • 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,地方政府安全规制执行水平对化工行业事故风险防控的影响分析与对策研究, 2021-2023, 项目负责人.

  • 教育部人文社会科学研究一般项目区域应对突发事件合作机制研究, 2018-2020, 免予鉴定结题, 项目负责人.

  • 国家自然科学基金面上项目,社会互动视角下新能源汽车技术风险感知的动态演化、扩散机理和干预策略研究.2024-2027,项目参与人.

  • 国家自然科学基金委员会“新冠肺炎疫情等公共卫生事件的应对、治理及影响”专项,2020-2021, 项目参与人.

  • 国家自然科学基金委员会管理科学部应急管理项目,“十三五”期间我国社会安全风险治理研究,2017-2018, 项目参与人.

  • 科技部国家重点研发计划项目课题城镇大型活动场所安全风险诊断技术与信息平台研发2016-2019,项目参与人.
