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The course system for the bachelor stage consists of six modules, including general courses, platform courses, disciplinary courses, personalized courses, practice courses and quality expansion courses, and the minimum academic credits are flexibly determined by different majors based on the demand and controlled at 150-170 credits (excluding 10 credits for quality expansion). Below are the cultivation objectives and core courses of different majors:


I. International Economics and Trade

Cultivation Objective: The major is dedicated to cultivating senior professionals of international economics and trade who have the patriotic spirit, strong sense of social responsibility, strong sense of historical mission, profound cultural achievement, solid knowledge foundation, rich practical experience, good innovative capacity and broad international vision. After graduation, students will take about 5 years to develop good occupational ethics and strong sense of social responsibility and have the ability to engage in business, management, research and public relation planning in relation to international economics and trade, including foreign direct investment, non-equity arrangement, import and export, at outward-oriented enterprises, foreign trade companies, foreign economic and trade management department of the government, water-related overseas engineering companies, international banking departments of financial institutions, related public institutions, scientific research institutes and other organizations. They will develop profound global awareness, become familiar with international trade rules, obtain the international business specialist qualification or develop equivalent professional technical ability. They will further broaden knowledge, improve their ability through continued education or other lifelong learning channels, and serve the economic cooperation and trade between China and foreign countries.


Core Courses: International Economics, Foreign Trade Correspondence, International Trade Practice, Business Communication, International Settlement, and International Investment Theory and Practice.

II. Financial Management

Cultivation Objective: The major is dedicated to cultivating financial management professionals who have good occupational ethics and devotion, solid professional knowledge, excellent innovative thinking ability, broad international vision and understanding of the soul of Chinese enterprises. Graduates will become capable to do financial management work, including investment and financing management, financial analysis, budget management, asset management and risk management, at industrial and commercial enterprises, financial institutions, public institutions and government authorities and master working skills required for the financial management position, including skillful application of financial software. They will further enhance knowledge and ability through universities and research institutes at home and abroad or other lifelong learning channels, and grow into teaching or research-oriented professionals. Students will take about 5 years to build the global awareness, understand international rules and develop the ability to conduct intercultural communication and participate in international cooperation and competition.

Core Courses: Intermediate Financial Management, Advanced Financial Management, Corporate Financial Analysis, Financial Accounting, and Analysis and Assessment of Investment Project.


III. Engineering Management

    Cultivation Objective: This major is dedicated to cultivating senior interdisciplinary professionals who have profound cultural achievement and solid technical knowledge relating to civil work and water resources as well as theories and skills of management, economics, laws and other aspects relating to project construction. Moreover, students will pursue bold innovation, and have good awareness of cooperation and extensive international vision. After graduation, students will take about 5 years to develop good occupational ethics and strong sense of social responsibility, engage in project construction-related work of production, practice, teaching or scientific research like project investment assessment, project tendering and bidding planning, project management, project evaluation and project construction, at civil work, water resource, traffic, urban construction, environmental protection, land & resources, education and other sectors. Moreover, they will obtain the engineer’s technical title, or build equivalent professional technical ability. They will further enhance knowledge and ability through continued education or other lifelong learning channels, and serve construction and management of civil work and water resource projects at home and abroad.     


Core Courses: Project Construction, Engineering Economics, Engineering Project Management, Engineering Project Contract Management and Project Evaluation.


IV. Human Resources Management


Cultivation Objective: The major is dedicated to cultivating senior professionals of human resources management who have a strong patriotic spirit, strong sense of historical mission, profound academic achievement, solid knowledge foundation, good innovative capacity and broad international vision. After graduation, students will have good occupational ethics and strong sense of social responsibility and build the ability to participate in international cooperation and competition in the global environment. Graduates will become competent for human resources management, including planning, recruitment, configuration, training and development, performance management, remuneration & welfare management, staff relation management and other areas, at various enterprises, public institutions and government authorities, and obtain the human resources management specialist’s license or equivalent professional technical title. They will further enhance knowledge and ability through continued education or other lifelong learning channels, and serve the management work of different organizations.


Core Courses: Human Resources Management, Organizational Behavior, Innovation & Entrepreneurship and Career Management

V. Accounting

Cultivation Objective: This major is dedicated to cultivating senior accounting professionals with “broad international vision, profound foundation of Chinese culture, strong awareness of innovation and solid professional knowledge”.


1. Broad international vision: Cherish global vision, understand rules in the international business area, be expert in international accounting standards, have the ability to conduct multinational communication and exchange, and build the ability to participate in international cooperation and competition;

2. Profound foundation of Chinese culture: Have patriotic spirit, strong sense of social responsibility and good occupational ethics;


3. Strong innovative awareness: Have the creative thinking and innovative ability and actively join the tide of innovation and entrepreneurship;


4. Solid professional knowledge: Study professional knowledge hard, integrate and internalize knowledge and have good theoretical foundation and high level of actual application.


Core Courses: Intermediate Financial Accounting, Advanced Financial Accounting, Cost Accounting, Managerial Accounting and Intermediate Financial Management.


VI. Marketing


Cultivation Objective:


1. Cultivate innovative marketing professionals who master advanced marketing theories and skills and have global strategic vision;



2. Cultivate applied marketing professionals who have good awareness of modern enterprise operation, good marketing skill and ability to analyze and solve marketing problems;


    3. Cultivate marketing professionals who can adapt to China’s current open economic development strategy and have strong sense of social responsibility.  

    Core Courses: Marketing, Internet Marketing, Marketing Planning, International Business and Secrets of Brands.


VII. Information Management & Information System

Cultivation Objective: This major is dedicated to cultivating senior interdisciplinary professionals of information management who have the basic knowledge in management science, information science, economics and other disciplines, skillfully master modern information management methods and technologies, and have good communicative and organization management ability as well as the innovative ability and ability to analyze and solve actual problems with comprehensive use of knowledge. Graduates can do information-related work like information system planning, management, analysis, design, development, implementation, business data analysis and data mining. Moreover, graduates can further enhance knowledge and ability through continued education or self-motivated learning to advance with the time, and have a broad international vision.


Core Courses: Management Information System, Database Principle & Application, Information Organization and Retrieval, Business Intelligence Methodology & Application and ERP Principle & Application.