Xu Yejun


      Xu Yejun

              Associate Professor
              Dept of Management Science and Information Management, School of Business, Hohai University
              Phone: 0086-25-68514612
              Email: xuyejohn@163.com

Courses Taught:
Operational Research, Decision Making Theory and Methodology
Research Interests:
Fuzzy Logic, Multi-criteria decision making
Ph D, Management Science and Engineering, South East University – Nanjing, 2006-2009
Master, Management Science and Engineering, South East University – Nanjing, 2002-2005
Bachelor, Computer Science and Technology, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang, 1998-2002
Academic Research:
Incomplete Fuzzy Judgment Method of Group Decision Making and Application under Dynamic and Uncertain Environment, National Natural Science Fund Youth Fund (711010143), 2012.1-2014.12
Over 40 academic papers have been published in international core journals, national core journals and international conferences. 18 papers abstracted in SCI, 20 papers abstracted in EI, 1 paper abstracted in ISTP, 2 papers abstracted in CSSCI. The representative papers are:
XU Yejun, LI Kevin W., WANG Huimin, Distance-based consensus models for fuzzy and multiplicative preference relations, Information Sciences, 2013, 253(20): 56-73
XU Yejun, LI Kevin W., WANG Huimin, Incomplete interval fuzzy preference relations and their applications, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2014, 67:93-103
XU Yejun, Ma Feng, TAO Feifei, WANG Huimin, Some methods to deal with unacceptable incomplete 2-tuple fuzzy linguistic preference relations in group decision making, Knowledge-Based Systems, 2014, 56: 179-190
XU Yejun, PATNAYAKUNI Ravi, WANG Huimin, The ordinal consistency of a fuzzy preference relation, Information Sciences, 2013, 224(1): 152-164
XU Yejun, WANG Huimin, Eigenvector method, consistency test and inconsistency repairing for an incomplete fuzzy preference relation, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2013, 37(7): 5171-5183
Social Experiences:
Editor board member: International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education (IJCRSEE) (http://ijcrsee.com/index.php/ijcrsee/about/ editorialTeam)
Reviewer: European Journal of Operational Research, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Information Sciences, Knowledge-Based Systems, Computers & Industrial Engineering, Applied Soft Computing etc.
Awards and Honors:
The complete projects were awarded 1st prize twice, Economic and Trade Commission of Jiangsu Province Science and Technology Progress Award
An academic paper was awarded 3rd prize, the 9th Natural Science Excellent Academic Paper of Nanjing
An academic paper was awarded 2nd prize, Nanjing Forestry University Academy’s Academic Progress Award