Associate Professor
Department of Management and Human Resource
Business School, Hohai University
Phone: 0086-25-68514349
Email: zhangl@hhu.edu.cn
Courses Taught:
Human Resource Management (MBA)
Compensation Management (MBA)
Job Analysis (undergraduate)
Management Methodology (master and doctoral students)
Research Interests:
Employee voice, leader-member interactions, and Chinese management issues
Ph D, Management, Nanjing University – Nanjing, 2007
Master, Management, Nanjing University – Nanjing, 2004
Bachelor, Management, Nanjing University – Nanjing, 2001
Academic Research:
“Supervisor-subordinate guanxi and subordinate performance”, Humanities and Social Sciences Research Grant (), Ministry of Education of China, 2011-2014
“CEO preference and power and non-CEO executive turnover”, Philosophy and Social Sciences Research Grant for Researchers in Universities, Jiangsu Provincial Department of Education, 2009-2012
Zhang, L., Deng, Y., and Wang, Q. 2013. An exploratory study of Chinese motives for building supervisor-subordinate guanxi. Journal of Business Ethics. doi: 10.1007/s10551-013-1899-4.
Zhang, L., Ji, W., Tao, J., and Wang, Q. 2011. Who shall leave? How CEO preference and power affect executive turnover in Chinese listed companies. Corporate Governance: An International Review, 19(6): 547-561.
Zhang, L., Liu, H., Hu, E., and Yue, M. 2009. The relationship between size and growth: The case of Chinese listed companies. Applied Economics Letters, 16: 1849-1853.
Zhang, L. and Deng, Y. 2014. The causes of supervisor-subordinate guanxi: A motivational analysis. To be presented at the IACMR conference, Beijing, China.
Social Experiences:
Peer-Reviewed Articles for:
Managerial and Decision Economics
Journal of Management Case Studies (in Chinese)
Management Review (in Chinese)
the Biannual Conference of the International Association of Chinese Management Research (2010, 2012)
Selected consulting experiences
China State Grid, Nanjing Branch, July to November 2011
Nanjing Metro Property Management Company, July 2010 to April 2011
Awards and Honors:
Outstanding Innovative Talent Program, Hohai University, 2012
Award for Personnel Research Nationwide, Chinese Academy of Personnel Science, 2009