YU Jin
Associate Professor
Department of Account,School of Business
Phone: 0086-25-68514819
Email: yujing3721@hhu.edu.cn
Courses Taught:
Financial Accounting; Auditing; Cost Accounting; Managerial Accounting
Research Interests:
Empirical Asset Pricing and Valuation; Capital Market Research in Accounting
Doctor of Management (Management Science) 2005
School of Management, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China
Master of Economics (Account) 1999
School of Management, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an, China
Bachelor of Science (Mathematics) 1991
School of Science, Taiyuan University of Science and Technology, Taiyuan, China
Academic Research:
The Emotion of Investor,
The Analysis on the Operating Mechanism and Impact of Sovereign Wealth Funds, National Natural Science Fund Committee – Department of Management Science Director Fund 2008 Emergency Research Project, Main Participate
Data Mining and Intelligent Knowledge Management Theory and Application Study, National Natural Science Fund Committee – Innovation and Research Group Science Fund, Participant, 2007-2012
Jing YU, Bin XU: The Game Analyses on Pricing Decision of the Target Enterprise of M&A Based on Perspective of Real Options under stochastic Information Surroundings, Economic Modelling,2011,28(2011):1587-1594(SSCI)
Jing YU, Bin XU, Yuanhua WANG: The Option-Game Analyses on Pricing Decision of the Target Enterprise of M&A under Fuzzy information Surroundings, Proceedings of 2009 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, HK,December 8-11,2009, 754-758(EI)
Jing YU, Yong XU ,Pandi SUN, Haoyu YU, Bin XU,* The Market Status Tendency, the Corporation Specified Information, and the Market Announcement Effect of M&A , The First International Conference on Information Technology and Quantitative Management ,2013,May,16-18,Suzhou,China:258-265
Jing YU, Zuochun Wang, Renchu Gan: Analysis on inventory investment and inflation co integration relationship, Statistics Research,(CSSCI),2005,166(8):61-64.
Jing YU,Zuochun Wang, Renchu Gan: Inventory investment, inflation and macroeconomic volatility, China Management Science(CSSCI), 2005,13: 267-271.
Jing YU, Bin XU: Issue objects, market, private placement discounts, China Accounting Review(CSSCI),2009,7(4): 419-438
Jing YU, Bin XU: Fuzzy information environment based on the options perspective mergers Price determined game analysis, System Engineering Theory and
Jing YU, Zuochun Wang: Markov analysis of investment risk based on the entropy of the project, Telecommunications technology. 2005,45:153-158.
Jing YU, Bin XU: The mystery of low-cost private placement: a market under pricing or secondary market premium, Securities Market Herald (CSSCI),2010.6:34-39
Jing YU, Bin XU: Empirical test on the Chinese stock market wealth effect, Journal of Central University of Finance and Economics (CSSCI), 2009.6:31-36
Jing YU, Bin XU: The Analyses on the System Background of Private Placement Anomalies and Its Corresponding Reformation Route Study, Journal of Central University of Finance and Economics(CSSCI),2013,3:90-96
Social Experiences:
Non Practicing Members Chinese CPA