XU Juanjuan
Department of Marketing,School of Business
Phone: 0086-25-68514296
Email: 15195953301@hhu.edu.cn
Courses Taught:
Marketing Research, Consumer Behavior, International Business, Brand Management
Research Interests:
Brand Management, Service Marketing
Ph D, Marketing, Sun Yat-sen University – Guangzhou, 2009
Master Applied Psychology, Nanjing Normal University – Nanjing, 2006
Bachelor Accounting, Nanjing Tech University – Nanjing, 2003
Academic Research:
Consumer Behavior in Retail, Brand Alliance
Published 13 papers on domestic and international conference and journal, and the most representative works are as follows:
Study on the English Old Brand Name, Chinese Marketing Science Academic Year,
Study on Customer Segmentation Based on Cloud Model-Take China Telecom as
An Example, Technology and Economy, 28(4), 54, 2009
Study on Brand Architecture Type Analysis: the Company Brand and Product Brand,
Modern Management Science, 8(1), 62, 2009
Study on Comprehensive Retailer Brand Positioning Way, Jiangsu Science and
Technology Information, 05(1), 6, 2009
Study on the Theory of Linguistics, English Brand Name -- “Old” Theory of
Empirical Research of Business in Hong Kong and Australia (06), 2010
Study on Brand Culture Symbolic Impact on Brand Alliance - The Development of
the Old Brand New Ways, Journal of Marketing Science, Vol6 (4), 2009(22)
Study on the Influence of Cultural Compatibility Evaluation of Iconic Brands,
Jiangsu Business Theory, 03, 2011
Study on Open the Door to 900 Million Customers, Sales and Marketing(Review),
03, 2013
XU Juanjuan, Effects of Culture of Origin on Brand Alliance Evaluations, Proceedings of 2013 International Symposium-International Marketing Science and Information Technology
XU Juanjuan, A Content Analysis of Model Portrayals in Chinese Consumer Advertisements, China Marketing International Conference, 2013
XU Zhenning, Edward Ramirez, XU Juanjuan, LIU Yu, The Effects of Neoliberalism and Trade Liberalization on China’s Environment over Time--A Macromarketing Perspective, Journal of Macromarketing, 0276146714547951, first published on September 4, 2014 doi:10.1177/0276146714547951