Jia Qiong
Department of Mangement and Human Resource Management,School of Business
Phone: 0086-25-68514342
Email: roseherb@hhu.edu.cn
Courses Taught:
Management, Organization Behavior, Management Communication, Operation Research
Research Interests:
Business Intelligence, Kowlegement Management, Resource-constrained Project Scheduling
Ph.D, Industrial Management Engineering, Korea University – Seoul, 2008.9-2013.8
Master, Enterprise Management, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, 2006.9-2008.7
Bachelor, Business Administration, Heilongjiang University, Harbin, 2002.9-2006.7
Academic Research:
Expertise in the researching, consulting and solving the problems in enterprise management. With inter-disciplinary academic background, currently focusing on Business Intelligence, Knowledge management, RCPSP research and so on.
Qiong Jia , Yoonho Seo. Solving the Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling Problem: Conceptual Validation of a Facility-Layout-based Formulation and Efficient Application of a Permutation-based Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm ,Computers & Operations Research. SCI,IF:1.91, 2013,40(8). pp 2037-2050.
Qiong Jia, Yoonho Seo. An Improved Particle Swarm Optimization for the Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling Problem. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, , SCI, IF:1.071. 2013.1.
Qiong Jia,Exploration of intermittent search in golbal optimization, Computational optimization and application. Submitted,SCI revise.2013.4
Qiong Jia, A hybird PSO and ABC algorithm for resource constrained project scheduling problem, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing. Submitted,SCI revise. 2012.10
Qiong Jia , Yoonho Seo and Minkseo Seo, 2010. A facility layout formulation and hybrid particle swarm optimization for resource-constrained project scheduling problem.. In: 2010 APMS (Advanced in Production Management System, 11-13 Oct. 2010, Cernobbio, Como, Italy.
Li Zhang,Qiong Jia,Baowei Liu, Brian Earn. Research on the relationship between leader-member exchage and knowledge management. Studies in Science of Science (China). 2009. 2:428-435.
Li Zhang,Baowei Liu ,Qiong Jia, Brian Earn(2009). Research on the communication satisfication based on the leader-member-exchage relationship.Management Review (China).4:47-57
Li Zhang, Dongmei Chi, Qiong Jia. Leadership model and empirical research in the knowledge management process. Science of Science and Management of S.& T.(China). 2010,08:184-189.
Zhang Li, Qiong Jia , Liu Baowei(2008). Empirical Study on High Performance Leadership in Knowledge-based Companies. Proceedings of 2008 International Conference on Management Science & Engineering. USA, Sept. 10-12:927-933(EI,085211805019)
Li Zhang, Qiong Jia , Ping Li(2008). An Empirical Study on the Structure of Organizational Learning and Organizational Performance. Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies. Santander, Cantabria, Spain. July 1-5: 189-193 (EI,083911598136)
Li Ping, Tian Yezhuang, Qi Zhongying, Zhang Li, Jia Qiong. An Empirical Study on the Cumulative Model of Competitive Priorities. 2007 International Conference on Management Science and Engineering Annual Conference Proceedings(14th).Harbin, China, August 20~22, 2007: 867-872 (EI:20082111267313)
Li Ping, Tian Yezhuang, Qi Zhongying, Jia Qiong. Research on the Impact of Innovation Factor on the Manufacturing Performance. International Engineering Management Conference. Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, Sep.17~20, 2006: 110-114 (EI: 20081011131062)
Li Ping, Shi Jianxin, Tian Yezhuang, Zhang Li, Jia Qiong. Research on the Impact of Manufacturing Competence on Manufacturing Performance. International Conference on Management of Innovation and Technology. Singapore, June, 21-23, 2006: 16-20(EI:20072210631866)
Social Experiences:
2009.12-2011.12 president of the union of students supported by Chinese government in Korea University
Awards and Honors:
2008 9-2012.9 China Scholarship Council (CSC) scholarship students