Dissertation Oral Defense of International Master Students was Held Smoothly

On the afternoon of May 21st, the meeting of dissertation oral defense of international student of Business School was held in 501 Meeting room in main building. Assistant dean, Professor Huang Dechun, associate professor Liu Haijian from Nanjing University, associate professors Hua Jian, associate professor Yang Kaijun and Dr. Zhang Ying attended the meeting .During the meeting,Professor Huang Dechun firstly made a brief introduction of the process of the dissertation oral defense. And then, the international students made a presentation of the summary, research significance, value and future application of their papers and they gave answers to the main issues raised by the defense committee .The defense committee gave full affirmation to the international students and pointed out the deficiency and problems to be solved of their papers .And the defense committee advised the international students to revise and improve their papers according to the comments.

Finally, the international students expressed their sincerely thanks to the guidance from their supervisor and took photos with them for memory.