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Notice on Launching the International Competitiveness Improvement Project of Frankfurt University of Finance and Management, Germany in 2021

Publisher:sxyengPublish Time:2021-05-13Views:700

In order to further promote the construction of double first-class culture of our school, broaden students' international vision, improve students' English learning, communication and cross-cultural communication skills, and cultivate high-quality talents with strong international competitiveness, the school plans to cooperate with Frankfurt Finance and Economics during the summer vacation of 2021. The University of Management cooperates to carry out a two-week international competitiveness improvement project. Selection is now for all students in HHBS.

1. Project content

A: Project settings:

Complete one week of financial professional courses and course guidance in online mode (module A) + one week internship project (module B)

(1) Main courses of module A:

1. Introduction to Financial Economics

2. Introduction to Financial Markets and Products

3. Innovation and Strategy Management Innovation and Strategy Management

4. The Development Finance

5. Project Management Project Management

(2) Module B project internship experience

The trainees will be led by the project teacher through the remote mode to complete a one-week project internship. The content of the internship comes from international organizations cooperating with Frankfurt University of Finance and Management, including:

World Bank

Asian Development Bank

European Central Bank

European Investment Bank

International Finance Group, etc.

 B: Project gains

* Internship certificate for projects funded by international multilateral organizations

* Certificate of study at Frankfurt University of Finance and Management

* Recommendation letter from Frankfurt University of Finance and Management (used to apply for world-class universities or international outstanding companies)

Top 3 students with the best performance:

* Certificate/trophies for outstanding ICEP students of Frankfurt University of Finance and Management

* Enter the FS International Consulting Service Department to develop the financial consulting talent pool

Some outstanding students:

* Directly sign a student part-time work contract with the International Consulting Service Department of Frankfurt University of Finance and Management, and you can start working for the FS International Consulting Project during the school.

2. Project execution time

Scheduled from August 2, 2021 to August 13, 2020

3. Application conditions

(1) Love the motherland, behave properly, be healthy, and have a strong sense of teamwork;

(2) Strong interest in this project, good English proficiency, and able to adapt to the English learning and communication environment;

(3) Students who are at least 18 years old and have a background in economic management and finance are preferred;

(4) Students who are currently enrolled in the business school.


4. the cost

The expenses are borne by the students (1800 Euros/person, including course studies and internships in international institutions).


5. Registration method

A total of 20-40 students are recruited for this project.

Consulting Tel: 15951077798


6. Registration time and early special offer

Deadline for registration: June 30, 2021

Early Bird Special:

§ Registration after June 15th: 1800 Euros

§ Register before June 15; discount of 100 euros, or 1700 euros

§ Register before May 31; discount of 200 euros, that is, 1600 euros