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商学院 讲师
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办公室: 博学楼1112
更新时间: 2024-05-17


博士,工商管理专业,天津大学 2014.09-2019.01









  1. 1. 谭劲松, 赵晓阳*. 创新生态系统主体技术策略研究-基于领先企业与跟随企业的演化博弈与仿真. 管理科学学报, 2022, 25(05): 13-28.

    2. 宋娟, 谭劲松*, 王可欣, 赵晓阳, 仲淑欣. 创新生态系统视角下核心企业突破关键核心技术“卡脖子”--以中国高速列车牵引系统为例. 南开管理评论, 2023, 26(05): 4-17.

    3. 张红娟, 申宇, 赵晓阳*, 厉娜. 企业外部研发合作、内部知识网络与创新绩效. 科学学研究,2022, 40(04): 704-712.

    4. 谭劲松, 赵晓阳. 企业专利战略与环境匹配-前沿述评与展望. 外国经济与管理, 2019, 41(01): 3-15.

    5. 赵晓阳. 专利还是技术秘密?-基于演化博弈视角的创新保护策略研究. 中国科技论坛, 2019, 03:124-131.

    6. 赵晓阳. 研发投入对企业专利申请的决策影响—资源交互及制度情境的调节作用. 中国科技论坛, 2022,07: 89-97+128.

    7. Shuxin Zhong, Xiaoyang Zhao*, Juan Song. MNEs’ Ambidexterity Strategies and Moral Conflicts: The Case of Google in China. Journal of Business Ethics (FT 50, ABS 3, SSCI), 2023, 186: 781-796.

    8. Xiaoyang Zhao, Justin Tan*. The performance implications of patenting–the moderating effect of informal institutions in emerging economies. R&D Management (FMS B, ABS 3, SSCI), 2021, 51(5): 468-483.

    9. Xiaoyang Zhao, Justin Tan, Shuxin Zhong. The trade-off between corporate social responsibility and competitive advantage: A biform game model. Technological and Economic Development of Economy (SSCI, JCR1), 2022, 28(02): 463-482.

    10. Xiaoyang Zhao, Justin Tan, Shuxin Zhong. An institutional view on the leverage of external patent law expertise and patenting performance: Insights from China. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge (SSCI, 中科院1), 2022, 7(4): 100263.

    11. Xiaoyang Zhao, Yuanjing Guo, Jie Mi. Value creation and value capture from patents: Theory and implications for patent strategies. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge (SSCI, 中科院1), 2023, 8(3): 100397.

    12. Xiaoyang Zhao, Jie Mi. Firmscorporate social irresponsibility behaviors during interplay with consumers in evolutionary game models. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications (SSCI 1), 2024, online.

    13. Jie Mi, Chuanpeng Yao, Xiaoyang Zhao, Fei Li. Research on the diffusion mechanism of green technology innovation based on enterprise perception. Computational Economics (SSCI/SCI), 2023, Online.

    14. Jie Mi, Chuanpeng Yao, Xiaoyang Zhao, Fei Li. The impact of innovation evolution and interaction control on interfirm network performance. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management (SSCI), 2023, Online.

    15. Jie Mi, Xiaoyang Zhao, Shaojie Lv. Exploration or exploitation orientation, subgroup structure and organizational knowledge creation. Innovation: Organization & Management (SSCI), 2024, Online.

    16. Zhao Xiaoyang. Patenting or secret? The interaction between leading firms and following firms based on evolutionary game theory and Multi-agent simulation. International Journal of Innovation Management (FMS D, ABS 2), 2019, 23(7) 1950068.

  • 智能制造企业数据资源价值捕获机理研究:结构、能力、战略及其演化. 教育部人文社科项目(23YJC630251). 主持, 2023-2025

    突破性技术创新的形成机理和演化路径. 国家自然科学基金重点项目(71732005). 参与, 2018-2022

    跨层次、动态视角的联盟网络与企业创新绩效关系研究. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(71472131). 参与, 2015-2018

    企业协作创新行为的跨层次双向传导机制研究. 国家自然科学面上项目(71672123). 参与, 2017-2020

    知识网络、社会网络的互动机制及其对企业创新绩效的影响研究. 国家自然科学面上项目(71772096). 参与, 2018-2021

    高铁产业关键核心技术突破机制:政府职能与产业创新生态系统共演研究. 国家自然科学面上项目(72072124). 参与, 2021-2024

    数字经济背景下企业数据责任履行机理研究:企业-市场-政府的互动及协同演化(72272106). 国家自然科学基金面上项目. 参与, 2023-2026
