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                                                  Institute of Technical Innovation & Economic Development

Institute of Technical Innovation and Economic Development was founded in 1980 and named “Research Office of Water Conservancy Technical Economics”, which belonged to School of Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering of Hohai University. When School of Technical Economics was founded in 1993, the research office was renamed “Institute of Technical Economics and Management”. In 2004, the institute was incorporated into the newly-founded Business School and then renamed “Institute of Technical Innovation and Economic Development”.
      Research Directions: The institute studies theories and practice on issues including technical policies, technical introduction, agency technical selection, consulting demonstration, projects of enterprises and economic effect of newly established enterprises, etc. Its main research directions are as follows:
      Optimization Method and Application of Technical Economics
      Resource Sustainable Utilization Technology and Cyclic Economics
      Urban Development Issues and Investment Appraisal & Planning
      Project Demonstration of Enterprises’ Applied Technical Innovation